Closer vowels, closer people: The indexical relationship between vowel space size and common ground. To be submitted to Journal of Sociolinguistics.
Closer vowels, closer people: The indexical relationship between vowel space size and common ground. To be submitted to Journal of Sociolinguistics.
Prosody and ideologies of embodiment: Variation in pitch and articulation rate among fitness instructors. Language in Society. (Lewis Esposito and Chantal Gratton).
Authorship Profiling Without Using Topical Information: Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2018. In 19th Working Notes of CLEF Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2018. Avignon, France. Linda Cappellato, Nicola Ferro, Jian-Yun Nie, Laure Soulier (eds.) Vol. 2125. CEUR-WS. (Jussi Karlgran, Lewis Esposito, Chantal Gratton, and Pentti Kanerva)
Indexin' gender: Variable (ING) and the creation of non-binary trans identities. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics, 22(2), Article 7.
Vowel space peripherality as a sociolinguistic variable. New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 48: Forests and Trees, University of Oregon. 11 October.
Negotiating gender and power through the situated control of vocal pitch. In Tyler Kibbey and Rusty Barrett's Symposium: New Directions in LGBTQ+ Linguistics: Commemorating the LSA Special Interest Group on LGBTQ+ Issues in Linguistics. At The 93rd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, University of New York. 5 January.
Rhythm and the embodiment of physical practices. New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 47: Methods and Innovation, New York University. 18-21 October. (Lewis Esposito and Chantal Gratton).
With rich data comes chaotic results: The impact of interaction on the perception of contrastive intonation. Sociolinguistic, Psycholinguistic and Formal Perspectives on Meaning, Paris. 3 July.
The form and meaning of contrastive intonation. The Fifteenth Annual QP Fest in Linguistics, Stanford University. 20 April.
Cross-community variation in onset /l/ among California Latinx speakers. New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 46: Progress , University of Wisconsim in Madison. 3 November. (Robert Podesva, Frankie Conover, Alma Flores-Perez, Chantal Gratton, Aurora Kane, Daisy Leigh, Julia Mendelsohn, Carra Rentie and Anna-Marie Sprenger).
Non-binary identity construction and intraspeaker variation. The 91st Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America , University of Texas at Austin. 7 January.
"Anything but that!": The effects of misgendering and place on non-binary transgender voices. Panel: Language, power and materiality in trans* communities (organized by Lal Zimman and Jenny Davis). Trans*Studies: An International Transdisciplinary Conference on Gender, Embodiment, and Sexuality, University of Arizona. 10 September.
Vocal pitch and identity creation: A sociophonetic analysis of non-binary transgender voices. IGALA (International Gender and Language Association) Conference 9: Times and Transition: Gender, sexuality discourse and language, City University of Hong Kong. 19 May.
Indexin' gender: Variable (ING) and the creation of non-binary tran identities. Poster presented at New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 44: Intersections, York Univeristy and University of Toronto. 23 October.
Recreating gender: The linguistic construction of non-binary gender identities. Poster presented at the Linguistic Society of America's 2015 Linguistic Institute at the University of Chicago. 28 July.
Resistance and resilience: The linguistic construction of non-binary transgender identities. Toronto, Canada: York University unpublished manuscript.